Awe-inspiring, life-changing moments are those moments I have had clarity that has been undeniable. Moments where the directive was not a linear thought. It comes from the practice of exponential peacefulness. It is beyond linear thinking. Exponential peacefulness is a tool that I use to transcend my moments of fear or the thoughts that continuously run a cycle in my head.
I have had a mindful practice for decades and more so than any other wellness practice in my life this has been a devoted embodied practice. At times it has been prayerful, other times it has been trying to still my looping lizard brain thoughts, sometimes I have had a period of chanting as a practice, maybe journaling is the flavor of the moment. Whatever I choose for the morning, it has been consistent with something.
It is in those moments where the authenticity of my life flowers into bloom. My purpose for walking this planet in the here and now. I hear the voices of my ancestors, the Universe’s whispers, the cries from places I have never been, and the blessings for ideas to be birthed, and the love and reverence for renewal. This time to sit and be still is not for naught. It is to be used for sacred conversation and the practice to “be” with peaceful existence.
I remember hearing the words more than a decade ago, “We have no mooring” and those words bypassed my brain and went straight to my heart. The path I was to begin traversing was a long eight years of writing and then listening for course correction and writing some more. During that time, I wrote an experiential program called Pursuit of Balance. It did not happen overnight and it did not happen without a village of angels to weigh in and test it with. And, I am grateful for every single moment and life changing event that happened along the way.
What I realized is, we do have a choice, every single living moment we have a choice to choose how we perceive these moments. Will I stay strapped in fear or am I willing as Marianne Williamson puts it, “To see this differently”? It is my choice after all.
The practice of exponential peacefulness: Present moment focused awareness and breathe. Then make a choice.
Cheers to being back and connecting with you on a more regular basis.
All my love,
