my favorite

Sacred Contracts
New York Times bestselling author and medical intuitive Caroline Myss has found that when people don’t understand their purpose in life the result can be depression, anxiety, fatigue, and eventually physical illness—in short, a spiritual malaise of epidemic proportions. Myss’s experience of working with people led her to develop an insightful and ingenious process for deciphering your own Sacred Contract—or higher purpose—using a new theory of archetypes that builds on the works of Jung, Plato, and many other contemporary thinkers.

Archetype Cards
Archetypes are ancient, universal patterns of behavior that are embedded in what Carl Jung called the “collective unconscious.” Caroline Myss has created a unique set of 80 Archetype Cards, each individually designed to provide the basic Light and Shadow Attributes of a different Archetype.

Grace, Guidance and Gifts
Our greatest purpose in life is to free ourselves of the limiting patterns of ego and soul that keep us chained to painful, disempowered lives so that we can fully realize the authentic and holy Spirits we are. This journey can feel overwhelming—even impossible—unless we gain access to the three sacred blessings of Spirit, made available to us from God. Without them we fail.
These sacred blessings are God’s grace, inner guidance, and personal gifts.

Trust Your Vibes
In this fascinating and informative book, spiritual teacher and psychic Sonia Choquette reveals the secrets you need to awaken your intuitive voice and . . . trust your vibes. If you’re ready to step into a Divine, more energetically uplifting experience and live an easier, more satisfying way of life, you’ll learn how to do so within these pages.

Anatomy of the Spirit
Building on wisdom from Hindu, Christian, and Kaballah traditions, this comprehensive guide to energy healing reveals the hidden stresses, beliefs, and attitudes that cause illness. Based on fifteen years of research into energy medicine, Dr. Myss's work shows how every illness corresponds to a pattern of emotional and psychological stresses, beliefs, and attitudes that have influenced corresponding areas of the human body.

Animal Speak
Open your heart and mind to the wisdom of the animal world.
Animal Speak provides techniques for recognizing and interpreting the signs and omens of nature. Meet and work with animals as totems and spirit guides by learning the language of their behaviors within the physical world.
Animal Speak shows you how to:
Identify, meet, and attune to your spirit animals
Discover the power and spiritual significance of more than 100 different animals, birds, insects, and reptiles
Call upon the protective powers of your animal totem
Create and use five magical animal rites, including shapeshifting and sacred dance
This beloved, bestselling guide has become a classic reference for anyone wishing to forge a spiritual connection with the majesty and mystery of the animal world.